Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by J.K.Rowling. It is about a boy named Harry Potter whose father and mother are killed by Lord Voldemort, so he has to live with his uncle and his aunt who hate him. One day, an owl comes to his house with a letter. That letter tells Harry that he is a wizard and has to study at Hogwarts, a school of witchcraft and wizardry. The books tell a story about the adventure of Harry Potter and his friends that wants to avenge on Lord Voldemort who kills his parents and gives him a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead.
Before I started reading Harry Potter, I used to watch the movie and it was very fun. I fell in love with this movie since that first time. Magic, wizard, Hogwarts, and everything in the movie made me crazy in the magic world. After watching it, I immediately bought the book and started reading it. I finished the first book of the series in just one day although it was the first novel I had read and was about 300 pages long.
Harry Potter had a magic that could make children who feared in novel to start reading it. This book inspired me to read other novels namely Erec Rex, The Thief of Baramos, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, H.A.C.K.; The Five People I Meet in Heaven; and other kinds of books such as documentary, drama, or even play. In addition, Harry Potter also inspired me to write my first novel on the Internet.
Besides, the most important thing in my life which Harry Potter inspired me very much is studying here- The Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University. I decided to study here because I want to read books more. I want to study English language, so I will be able to read Harry Potter in English version.
Until today, I still read this series and watch the movies repeatedly. When I feel stressed from studying or want a relax time, I will pick Harry Potter from my book shelf, sit at my favorite corner of my house, and start reading it. I can say that Harry Potter becomes an important part of my life.
18 พฤศจิกายน 2556 เวลา 21:55 น.