Lightly taking a drink from the tea that was brought to her lips, Gui Wan gains a panoramic view of the behaviour and actions from those surrounding them, finding it truly laughable, could it be that the people in this world, all has such shallow perception, unable to see the true facts? Sighing to herself, she wells up with worries, how is she to solve the dilemma before her, could it be that she really is going to be forced to go to the Nu Capital?
“Here have something to eat, in a while we shall be entering Ru Shui City.” A sound of reminder enters her ears, Gui Wan turns her head to face Ye Li, thinking how everything had been caused by this person’s very doings, a wave of anger rises within her, unfortunately her voice had been sealed, unable to produce a single sound, and so she can only coldly glare at him.
Half amazed half enchanted, Ye Li deeply gazes at Gui Wan, nearing Gui Wan as he softly says besides her ear: “No wonder why people say you women of the Celestial Empire, be it smiling, be it frowning, all are of flirtatious expressions, even when you’re fired up with anger, you still make my heart beat uncontrollably fast, from now on, don’t let other men see you in such furious state.”
From the corner of her eyes, she notices Mo Na reveal a smile, Gui Wan really felt embarrassed, with Ye Li saying such words, she is neither happy nor angry, within that moment, she does not even know how she should react. Upon getting along with them these past few days, she has already noticed, the personality traits of Nu people are completely different from that of the Celestial Empire people, the Nu people do things directly, bold in their expressions, even their display of affections is obviously bare. Ye Li is even more recklessly daring, so unacceptably overbearing.
Sensing Gui Wan’s displeasure, Ye Li no longer dares to take another step further in expressing himself, leisurely smiling, he starts to eat. Suddenly, a rumbling sound nears them, he raises his head to look outside the teahouse.
A gust of dust rises on the main road, yellow smoke filling the skies, not long after, a team of guards quickly arrives outside the teahouse, neatly arranged in rows. The teahouse immediately turns silent, everyone looks outside in surprise, forget how strange of a matter it is to have a team of guards show up here, but to actually have two young women leading them, everyone present cannot possibly not be in wonder as they simultaneously look over.
Upon seeing the guards and the two maids Ru Qing, Ru Ming, Gui Wan’s eyes shines brightly. All of a sudden, her shoulder tightens, in an instance, the tiniest amount of remaining strength left in her body is also drawn back as her body reclines, falling back into a generous embrace, Ye Li’s voice sounding beside her ear: “What’s wrong? Lady Wife, is your body not well again……?” His tone filled with worries, only the closely held Gui Wan was able to clearly see the playful yet sharp warning in his expression.
With her shoulder bone locked in his hold, she could not make even the slightest of resistance, Gui Wan could only helplessly lean against Ye Li’s shoulder, whilst everyone else is thinking that that pale and sickly woman’s illness is acting up again, not one person noticed the inside story. Deep inside, Gui Wan grew desperate, with vague uneasiness, she recalls everything that happened since the moment of encounter in Qu Zhou, she has thoroughly fallen into a disadvantageous position, completely losing head start in the matter, although she senses that someone has been controlling the development of events from behind the scenes, right now, she has not even a single clue, despite the past few days of her paying special attention to their conversations, Ye Li has been deeply unpredictable, not even letting slip half a word of revelation.
Ru Qing, Ru Ming dismounts from their horses, and walks up to the teahouse, attentively looking around the inside, having scanned the entire place, the two people simultaneously reveals a look of disappointment, they signal the soldiers behind them to have a rest, the guards dismounts from their horses one after the other, planning to rest for a while at the teahouse.
Ru Qing walks up front, asking the owner of the teahouse: “Storeowner, these past few days, have you by chance seen a really beautiful woman come by?”
The owner responds with a smile, courteously saying: “There are many women who are really beautiful ah, half a li from here there is a widow selling tofu, she is also very beautiful, there is also that……” Everyone within the teahouse upon hearing this, all guffaws out loud. Ye Li also could not hold it in and lowly laughs, lowering his head to look at Gui Wan, his eyes revealing arrogance and amusement.