For all five water sources that were examined, the [Fe] was below
0.1 mg/l, [NO3] and [NO2] were below 6 mg/l, [Al] was below
0.15 mg/l, [F] was below 1.0 mg/l, and [Mn] was below 0.05
mg/l (Table 5). All these variables were in concentrations below
the maximum recommended limits for no risk. Temperature and
colour were below 25°C and 15 Pt-Co respectively, which are the
maximum recommended limits for no risk. The pH was within the
recommended limit for no risk (pH between 6 and 9). The results
suggest that none of the water sources analysed pose any health
risk to consumers in relation to these water quality variables, and
also that the aesthetic quality was acceptable. Measuring DO
provides an indication of pollution of natural water. DO decreases
when water is polluted. DO (in % saturation), for all the water