-Mix the salt and juice in proportions that make a kind of paste-like slurry. You want a mixture where you don't have excess juice sloshing around
- enough salt to "hold" the juice, but not enough to be crumbly. There is no exact proportion here, but it's better to err on the side of too much juice since the fabric will absorb it quickly,and you want to be able to spread the slurry out before it gets too dry.
Take the paste/slurry and smear it on the rust stains
- try to cover them evenly. Then, take the garment outside and set it in direct sunlight for around 30-60 minutes
- and the stains should be gone. You may have to re-treat really bad stains. When the stains are gone, just launder as you normally would. I've found this method works best in the Summer - the Winter sun doesn't seem strong enough.