General organization
Director of Human Resources is the assembly point manager. Should he/she not be on duty at the time of the incident, his/her assistant will take over the position.
At the Night time Night manager will be the assembly point manager. The front office staff or his/her assistant supports them.
The assembly point manager and assistants must be in receipt of
• The in-houseguests list by alphabetic and numeric order, which is provided by the F/O department (person in charge of front office).
• They have also all staff in house on hand, provide by HR
F/O manager, his/her assistant or night manager are taking care of recording all in house guests reporting at the assembly point.
HR or Night manager are taking care all in house staff reporting at assembly point.
Monitor guest
The following documents have to be available at the assembly point;
• In house guest list by alphabetic order (3 copies)
• In house guest list by numeric order ( 3 copies)
Front office staffs are ticking off all names of in house guest reporting to the assembly point on the rooming list.
Once the guests are recorded, member of the assembly point team direct them to separated place in order to avoid any confusion.
Any missing guests are called out once more by a megaphone at the assembly point. Should missing guest not be among the evacuated guests, the stationed fire department will advise accordingly.
Monitor staff
The following document has to be available at the assembly point; staff on duty name list
HR team is ticking of each staff member reporting to the assembly. (Night shift: staff who assign)
Once a staff member is recorded, members of the assembly point team direct them to a separate place, to avoid any confusion.
Looking after injured persons
Ask call Center to call the nearest hospital for an emergency treatment
Arranging alternate accommodation
Whether guest are transferred to another hotel, depends on the situation of the hotel and can only be decided by the management.
Once the decision has been made, Front Office Manager will assign a person who will find and according accommodation and organize the transport. If there is no hotel van available, hotel limousines will be hired.
The Assembly Manager assigns a person who records all guests leaving the assembly point indicating their final hotel destination on the in house rooming list.