For static case solutions, the problem is defined in two ways: linear and nonlinear.
The condition is linear when there is no contact feature or pressure-fitting
property; displacement is a linear function of the load. The condition is nonlinear
when there is at least one contact feature or pressure-fitting property; in this case,
displacement is a nonlinear function of the load. A new analysis set is an object set
corresponding to a new set of specifications of simultaneous environmental actions
on a given system. To create object sets for the new specifications, a new static case
needs to be inserted. The system response is thus computed on the basis of applied
static loads under given restraints. The static solution parameters can be set in the
CATIA software. The method is selected according to the type of model: small,
medium, or complex. The Gauss R6 method was chosen for this study; fast Gauss
method is recommended for computing large size models [29].