incorporation The antibody conjugates were prepared according to Dong et al.with further discussed modifications [20]. Free carboxylic acid ofconjugated PCDA was activated by a reaction with NHS and EDCat a molar ratio of 1:1.8 for 20 min as illustrated in Fig. 1. TheSalmonella antibody was added in 1 mL of PCDA vesicles in the quantity described in experimental design (Item 2.5), and it was allowed to react for 3 h at 4◦C on a shaker. The vesicle was cooledto 4◦C overnight. Followed by PCDA vesicle exposure in 254 nm UVlight (Prodicil, 110 V) for 15 min became PDA vesicles due to poly-merization that happened, and then it was stored in a refrigeratoruntil the time of use.