E. Holt, M. Leivo / Cement & Concrete Composites 26 (2004 ) 521-530 Fig. 5. Average effect of adding l%, shrinkage reducing admixture (SRA) to high strength concrete on early age drying shrinkage.Table 2Setting time of concretes with increasing dosage of superplasticizer,corresponding to Fig. 4Superplasticizer dosage (%,) Set time (h:rnin)0 2:500.5 2:501.0 3:201.5 3:50This is in agreement with manufacturers' references to SRAs potential to reduce long-term drying shrinkage.3.2. 2. Autogenous .shrinkageMaterial parameters affect early age autogenous shrinkage over a wider range of choices. The main parameter is the amount of water and cement in the mixture, since autogenous shrinkage occurs when there is a lack of water for full cement hydration.As a review, the long-term autogenous shrinkage will first be described, since it is better understood and documented in practice. Long-term autogenous shrinkage in this paper refers to the deformations occurring after one day. The main material property controlling autogenous shrinkage is the w/c ratio: as the w/c ratio is lowered the autogenous shrinkage increases. This hasbeen explained by Powers and Brownyard [17] that autogenous shrinkage occurs due to self-desiccation when the w/c ratio is below about 0.42, since all mixing water is consumed at this ratio. This w/c limit can vary slightly, depending on the cement type and if there is an unrestricted supply of water available during curing.Recently, these guidelines of greater long-term autogenous shrinkage occurring at lower n,/c ratios have been supported by French research [18]. Baroghel-Bouny has shown that with a decreasing w/c ratio the 28-day autogenous shrinkage of cement paste increases, as shown in Fig. 6. Tazawa and Miyazawa [ 9] attribute this to the denser paste microstructure.In literature the terms "self-desiccation" and "autogenous shrinkage" are often interchanged. Actually these terms should not be confused, since the internal drying or self-desiccation causes the long-term autogenous shrinkage. Even if the relative humidity is 100% there can be autogenous deformations that are not related to self-desiccation, but rather to chemical shrinkage.Now returning to the occurrence of early age autogenous shrinkage (<1 day), there are newer points to address. Another main material factor contributing to early age autogenous shrinkage is the selection of cement, since autogenous deformations are fully attributed to chemical shrinkage during the very first hours after mixing [20]. The chemical shrinkage is a result of the reactions resulting between cement and water, which lead to a volume reduction. The basic reactions of cement clinker are well understood and generally defined by four reactions of C3S, C2S, C3A and C4AF. Each of these reactions requires water for reaction. are exothermic and result in a decreased volume of the reactionproducts.
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