shoots during in vitro micropropagation. The results of our experiment indicate that vitrified shoots were
short and thick with luminous and breakable leaves. Friable callus developed at the base of the stem, from
which many roots grew in all direction. This phenomenon was affected by genotype, kind of plant growth
regulators and their concentrations. Eskimo Mogr had more vitrification percentage than Innove Orange Bogr
(34% and 23% respectively). The percentage of vitrified regenerated shoots in medium containing BAP was
more than Kin in all concentrations (40% and 26% respectively) (Fig. 1-D). In addition, with increasing the
concentration of these growth regulators, vitrification increased. There was a negative correlation between
vitrification percentage and height of regenerated shoots and their internode length (R= -77% and -85%,
respectively). It seems that the internode length can be an appropriate indicator for determining the
vitrification rate. The results of this experiment showed that regenerated shoots treated with Kin, were longer
and had more internode length and less vitrification, in comparison with BAP
ยิงในระหว่างการขยายในหลอดทดลอง shoots during in vitro micropropagation. The results of our experiment indicate that vitrified shoots were
ผลที่ได้จากการทดลองของเราแสดงให้เห็นว่าหน่อแก้วเป็นระยะสั้นและหนาที่มีใบส่องสว่างและเปราะบาง แคลลัสเปราะพัฒนาที่ฐานของต้นกำเนิดจากที่รากจำนวนมากขึ้นเรื่อย ๆ ในทุกทิศทาง ปรากฏการณ์นี้ได้รับผลกระทบจากยีนชนิดของการเจริญเติบโตของพืชหน่วยงานกำกับดูแลและความเข้มข้นของพวกเขา เอสกิโม (34% อัตราร้อยละของยอด เป็นมากกว่าญาติในทุกความเข้มข้น( นอกจากนี้ยังมีการเพิ่มความเข้มข้นของควบคุมการเจริญเติบโตเหล่านี้แช่แข็งเพิ่มขึ้น short and thick with luminous and breakable leaves. Friable callus developed at the base of the stem, from
which many roots grew in all direction. This phenomenon was affected by genotype, kind of plant growth
regulators and their concentrations. Eskimo Mogr had more vitrification percentage than Innove Orange Bogr
(34% and 23% respectively). The percentage of vitrified regenerated shoots in medium containing BAP was
more than Kin in all concentrations (40% and 26% respectively) (Fig. 1-D). In addition, with increasing the
concentration of these growth regulators, vitrification increased. There was a negative correlation between
vitrification percentage and height of regenerated shoots and their internode length (R= -77% and -85%,
respectively). It seems that the internode length can be an appropriate indicator for determining the
vitrification rate. The results of this experiment showed that regenerated shoots treated with Kin, were longer
and had more internode length and less vitrification, in comparison with BAP
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