1. Read the task to be completed.
2. There are no resources for this task.
3. Complete the task and submit by due date.
Task 2
Review and provide constructive feedback to three tasks submitted by your peers. Peer submissions, for which you are to provide feedback, will appear (under the Task 2 heading) within the boxes numbered 1-3.
Note: You will not be provided with the identity of the peers whose submissions you are reviewing.
There are two parts to Task 2:
Part 1: Select one submission at a time and complete your task for all three peer submissions. Make sure you give descriptive feedback by identifying their strengths and weaknesses.
Par 2: Before submitting your feedback, you are to assess the effort the three peers made in completing Task 1. Use the Guidelines for assessing each peer and indicate a number (0 – 5) on the assessment tool.
Note: You are assessing your peers effort towards correctness.