Valentine (valentine) is a memorial to. Saint, Saint Valentine (saint valentine) The bursting with compassion, love and goodwill. To human beings truly But he will end up getting the death penalty on 14.Smoke.AD 270 or about 1,.728 years of surviving the This is the era of the Roman Empire, Christianity was not yet established. Repeated bad under the rule of the King "Claudio Amadeus 2" The legislation compels people to stop accordingly.But there is still a Christian leader named "Valentina Cardenas," or that have been regarded as. St. Valentine secretly smuggled forward later to Christian couples wedding and was arrested, tortured, imprisoned and punished severely in prison.He found love with a blind girl. She was the daughter of the prison guards. With love and prayers for him. God has the eyes of the young lovers healed. When this knowledge to ear Claudio Amadeus king 2 he ordered punishment.With beatings and led to death by beheading. On the final night before he was put to death there. Wrote a brief farewell to his lady love. The ending in the letter that ".Valentine's Day .. from her (love from your valentine) "
.When people know the story, it was impressive in his love. Taken on the 14th of February of every year as the "Day of Love" saint valentine's day or valentine'sday. And is widely popular throughout Europe, America.