Absolutely I don't have any idea about KCM-0033(Black) & KCM-0039(Dark
Blue), it is because I do not have this reference samples in CBHK
database, I think this samples keep in CWMJ & CITIZEN(CWC) design office
only, will CWMT have this color sample keep in their office or not? If
have, please ask them to following the sample's color.
Or if they still don't have samples to reference, please kindly request
CWMT to ask Mr. Arai or Mr. Tagenawa, I think they can provide the
correct way to make KCM-XXXX color samples, or they can ask Mr. Winai
(In CWMJ) is also a good way to solve, it is because KCM color is a
strong design points for 84EB-A009.
Anyway please kindly ask CWMT study and try to solve firstly, if need to
further assistant, please kindly let us to know.