1. Technology has killed the greeting card
We are no longer paying postage to send out birthday cards. An e-card, text, or email has that covered.
2. How we date
Online dating has been around for a while, and many people are using Google to get see if their date is a dud.
3. How we share
We are no longer using the traditional route of sharing information. Social networks now allow us to share pretty much anything, anywhere, anytime.
4. How we watch TV
Our TV experience has evolved. We are no longer prisoner to a TV set. We can now watch what we what, when we want, how we want.
5. How we communicate
Gone are the days of picking up the phone or heading over to someone’s house to chat. Smartphones and the internet have replaced traditional chats with virtual ones.
6. How we read
We no longer need to carry books if we don’t want to. Smartphones, tablets, and e-readers have made it easier for us to carry our books around without breaking our backs.
7. How we parent
Parenting has now expanded to the internet. We now have to teach our children digital etiquette and warn them about the dangers on the streets as well as online.