At each sampling time (28, 61 and 84 days – here day 0 is the day that enchytraeids were added) 10 SMS units/replicates (5 controlplus 5 contaminated soil) from each test temperature (10, 14, 19 and 23◦C) were extracted. The soil of each replicate was divided in 3 layers (top, middle and bottom) with approximately 5 cm height. From each layer ca. 130 g (random sub-samples) was sampled to quantify collembolans and mites, and ca. 60 g to quantify enchy-traeids. The microarthropod sub-samples were extracted over 7 days in a MacFadyen high gradient extractor (Scott-Fordsmand et al., 2000). Animals were collected in benzoic acid, transferred to
glycerol, identified and counted. The enchytraeids were extracted by spreading the soil sample into five 200 ml plastic beakers
(ø 7 cm), which were filled with tap water, gently shaken, and
then left for 24 h at 5◦C for sedimentation