But, cultivation of Chu Feng and Wang Qiang is, now is also only Seventh Rank Martial King, the Seventh Rank Martial King offensive, resists including First Rank Half Emperor, extremely strenuous, what did this explain?
This indicated that Chu Feng and Wang Qiang strength, has achieved the rank of going against heaven's will seriously, surmounted the Third Rank strength truly, this is the monstruous talent unemployment.
„Was too strong, are these two kids, what background?”
The battle of Chu Feng and Wang Qiang, has alarmed seal to seal Gu Village, an seal of Second Rank Half Emperor Realm seals the Gu Village old man, looks on that day above the border, Chu Feng and Wang Qiang of abyss of suffering fights, the brow tight wrinkle, looking pensive, he does not know that such two monstruous talent level talents, arrive at him to print to seal Gu Village, is good is bad.
Suddenly, above the horizon, hears one to roar, at the same time, a terrifying power and influence, penetrates Half Emperor arrangement unexpectedly Formation formation, the transmission.
But decides the item to look, the people on the scene, have all opened the mouth, above by this moment horizon, was frightened heavily.
At this moment, flutters in the Wang Qiang black hair, both hands pinch the Secret Art, in a small eye, unexpectedly full is the chill in the air, a dangerous aura, from his within the body sending out.
He at this moment, formerly simply acted like a different person with it, is completely different.
If said that formerly he, likely was a clumsy mischief-doer, then present he, then likely is a cold blood killer.
However at present, is most shocking, is actually not the change of Wang Qiang, but presents the colossus before Wang Qiang body.
That unexpectedly is purple huge beast, this huge beast is hundred meters, reaches as high as dozens meters, from top to bottom, resembling is the purple quartz builds.
It stands above the horizon, looks like the mountain that is condensed by the purple quartz, deters eight sides, is quite scary.
But besides scary build, its semblance also exceptionally cut-throat, shape lion tiger, but is scarier than the lion tiger.
The giant beastly claw, as if can tear all, that canine advantage tooth, can chew Wanwu absolutely.
However he is most terrorist, is actually his eye, his eye is not very big, but grinding pan size, but has over a hundred, over a hundred eyes, dense and numerous arrangement above its forehead, in each eye, is sending out strong killing intent , is unexpectedly scary, is disgusting, making the human be afraid.
„Earthen Taboo Martial Technique, strive to excel Earthen Taboo Martial Technique.” Suddenly, has the powerhouse of older generation to call out in alarm one, what he already recognized amethyst huge beast in that day is.
Although its shape is lifelike, the aura is lifelike, all, all indicated that it is a real life body.
But in fact, he is Taboo Martial Skill, and is extremely tyrannical Earthen Taboo Martial Technique.
„This Earthen Taboo Martial Technique is not simple, compared with before you Martial Technique that the match displays strives to excel, absolutely is the peak level in Earthen Taboo Martial Technique.”
„This mouth inexpensive stammering, after Ninth Rank Martial Technique, passed over gently and swiftly unexpectedly Human Taboo Martial Technique, displayed so tyrannical Earthen Taboo Martial Technique directly, it seems like wanted by this move, divided a victory and defeat with you, Chu Feng cannot be negligent, displayed Earthen Taboo Deep Green Beheader directly, has settled him.” Eggy said.
„Em.” After hearing the Eggy words, Chu Feng also nodded, he and Eggy thinks that together.
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