5.1.1. EPR and PRO programmes in India and developed countries
Though EPR has been used widely in various countries, especially in European countries, in India we are yet to explore its full
potential. The only environmental legislation, which has compo-
nent of EPR, is the Batteries (Management and Handling Rules,2001). The rule assigns the mandatory responsibility of for the manufacturers to set up collection centers for collection of used batteries form consumers or dealers along with the safe transportation ensurity, public awareness creation activities and
reaching ensurity of used batteries to the registered recyclers. The
another instance of EPR implementation in Indian legislation is
“buy back policy under The Recycled Plastic Manufacture and
Usage Rules, 1999”. Under this, the plastic industry was to be made
responsible for retrieving empty packaging material and have
proper disposal system. In case of e-waste mangemnt, the proper
recommendations of EPR are yet to be implemented [29].