Summary: Tasha is a orphan. Her mother died when she was very young but before she died, she gave her daughter a tiny doll which a magic doll. A few years later, her father married again. Stepmother of Tasha she is heartless and her stepmother sent into the forest to find Baba Yaga. Then Tasha into the forest and saw Baba Yaga zooming through the forest in a flying pot. She followed Baba Yaga and saw a magic hut. Then Baba Yaga saw Tasha, she eat Tasha for lunch. Inside the hut, Tasha doesn’t want to be eaten. She began to sob. Tasha give ham with Baba Yaga’s cat and give bread with Baba Yaga’s dog, so they let her get away. When Baba Yaga came back at the hut. She doesn’t saw Tasha, she leaped into her hut. She screamed at her cat that “Where’s the girl?” “Why did you help her?”
The little girl gave me ham to eat. “I’ve served you for a long time but you’ve never given me food”. Said the cat. Baba Yaga raced out to her dog. She shouted at her dog that “Why didn’t you stop her?”
The little girl gave me bread to eat. “I’ve served you for a long time but you’ve never given me food” Said the dog. Baba Yaga jumped into her pot for catch Tasha but she doesn’t catch and she came back to her hut. Tasha didn’t stop running until she reached home and narrated the whole story to her father and he threw stepmother out of the house.