In cool temperate regions, faba-bean is planted in early spring. In warm temperate and subtropical regions, it often is planted in the autumn as a winter season crop. Cold-hardy varieties tolerate low temperatures well (to –10C; 14F). Faba-bean is the least drought tolerant of legume crops. Moderate rainfall (650-1,000 mm; 25-40 in) well-spaced throughout the growing season is desirable. Faba-bean’s maturity time varies widely, from 90 days to over 120 days, depending upon variety and growing conditions. Faba-bean does not set seed at high temperatures. If possible, shade plants exposed to hot sun during flowering. Soil mulch also will help reduce high surface temperatures. Usually, faba-bean seeds are planted 5-10 cm(2-4 in) deep, spaced 15 cm (6 in) apart, in rows 75-80cm (30-32 in) apart. Sometimes seeds are broadcast, especially plantings used for forage. Weed control is important, especially during the early growth stages. Inoculate seeds with a Rhizobium species designated for vetches, if neither faba-bean nor other legume crops have been grown previously on the site. Normally, seed inoculation is not required if faba beans have been grown previously on the site.