Your body is a wonderful mechanism in which many activities are going on all the time. As you walk and (1)… you play, your muscles are working. As the various organs of your body carry on (2)… special processes, they are (3)… too. (4)… your body maintains a more or less constant temperature. Both work and heat are forms of energy, and the food you eat supplies the body with this (5)… Food contains substances which give this energy by being (6)… - or, in chemical terms, oxidized--in the body cells. In (7)… to providing energy, food contributes materials that regulate body processes and in so doing, keeps the (8)… condition of your body in a proper and therefore healthy balance.
Are you sure there’s nothing worrying you?
Miss Fah : Oh yes! It’s … It’s nothing really.
Mr. Boon : Er… look, Miss Fah, I know it’s really none of my business but I …er…
may be able to help. (2) to advise. (A slight pause)
Miss Fah : Well… it’s just that my sister phoned up last night. She was in a dreadful state.
It seems that her mother-in-law died yesterday morning.
Mr. Boon : Oh dear! (3) to express condolence.