Chada, I am going to tell you something. I hope I can trust you with this. What you did not see on the picture is the following; Since a year now I am wearing pantyhose. But it is not what you think. I am a normal person and not drag queen of some sort. I NEED to wear them for medical reasons, because when I was younger I played a lot of sports and got off course injured, as lots of players tried to attack and stop me from scoring a goal for my team. Now my knees and ankles are not Ok anymore (damaged). Especially my knees were attacked a lot. Therefore I went to my doctor (Female) in America. And she recommended a CT-scan to see what was wrong with my knees and ankles. She told me that sooner or later I would need an operation on my knees. Then she told me the only thing what I could do in the meantime was to keep my knees warm. And therefore she advised me to start wearing Pantyhose as soon as possible. (Therefore in general I like females. They have a different way of thinking on many matters) Now the pantyhose keep my knees and ankles warm and are giving me also support. So now for over a year now I am wearing pantyhose. I wear them under my trousers and no one in school sees that I am wearing them and it helps me. I have no more pain in my knees or ankles. Chada, now my question for you; Do you think I am weird wearing pantyhose although I told you the reason behind it?