Based on the results showed in Table 2, both UAE and SLE, performed at 25 °C and sample/solvent ratio of 1:5, resulted in a less effective extraction of the soluble sugars in the liquid extract than thoseobtained at 65 °C. Again, the higher temperature positively influencedthe extraction process, resulting in higher soluble sugars amounts. ForUAE (65 °C and 30 min), the highest soluble sugars content was obtained (3.87 ± 0.02 g). However, when this result was compared toSLE (65 °C and 30 min), no significant differences (p > 0.05) wereobserved between both treatments (SLE and UAE) at the same sample/solvent ratio 1:5. Therefore, both UAE and SLE treatments could beconsidered on a pilot scal