1. Size:
As a rule, in the same country and at the same period, the size of an urban community is much larger than that of a rural community. In other words, urbanity and size of a community are positively correlated.
2. Density of population:
Density of population in urban areas is greater than in rural communities. Urbanity and density are positively correlated.
3. Family:
So far as urban community is concerned, greater importance is attached to the individual than to the family. Nuclear families are more popular in urban areas.
4. Marriage:
In case of urban community there is a preponderance of love marriages and inter-caste marriages. One also comes across a greater number of divorces. Sons and daughters enjoy considerable freedom in choosing their life partners.
5. Occupation:
In the urban areas, the major occupations are industrial, administrative and professional in nature. Divisions of labour and occupational specialization are very much common in towns/cities/metropolises.
6. Social heterogeneity:
If villages are the symbol of cultural homogeneity, the cities symbolize cultural heterogeneity. The cities are characterized by diverse peoples, races and cultures. There is great variety in regard to the food habits, dress habits, living conditions, religious beliefs, cultural outlook, customs and traditions of the urbanites.
7. Mobility:
The most important feature of urban community is its social mobility. In urban areas the social status of an individual is determined not by heredity or birth but by his merit, intelligence and perseverance. Urbanity and mobility are positively correlated.
8. Materialism:
In the urban community the social existence of man revolves round wealth and material possessions. The worth of an urbanite today is being judged not by what he is but by what he has. Status symbols in the form of financial assets, salaries, costly home appliances count a lot for the urbanites.
9. Individualism:
The urbanites attach supreme importance to their own welfare and happiness. They hesitate to think or act for the good of others.
10. Rapid social and cultural change:
Rapid social and cultural change characterize urban life. The importance attached to traditional or sacred elements has been relegated to the background. The benefits of urban life have effected changes in respect of norms, ideologies and behaviour patterns.
11. Voluntary associations:
The urban community is characterized by impersonal, mechanical and formal social contacts occurring among the people. Naturally they have a strong desire for developing genuine social relationships to satisfy their hunger for emotional warmth and sense of security. They form associations, clubs, societies and other secondary groups.
12. Formal social control:
Social control in urban community is essentially formal in nature. Individual’s behaviour is regulated by such agencies as police, jails, law courts etc.