Meteor 2-21/Fizeau is the twenty-first and last in the Meteor-2 series of Russian meteorological satellites, which were launched 22 times from 1975 to 1993.[4]
ILRS Mission Support Status: Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) tracking support of this satellite was discontinued in October 1998. What makes Meteor 2-21 distinctive from the other meteorological satellites is its unique retroreflector array. Fizeau is named after a French physicist, Armand Fizeau, who in 1851 conducted an experiment which tested for the aether convection coefficient. SLR tracking of this satellite was used for precise orbit determination and the Fizeau experiment. The Fizeau experiment tests the theory of special relativity – that distance events that are simultaneous for one observer will not be simultaneous for an observer in motion relative to the first.
RetroReflector Array (RRA) Characteristics: The retro-reflector array consists of three corner cubes in a linear array with the two outer corner cubes pointing at 45 degree angles relative to the central cube. The central cube is made of fused silica and has a two-lobe Far Field Diffraction Pattern (FFDP) providing nearly equal intensities for compensated and uncompensated velocity aberration. Both outer reflectors have aluminum coating on the reflecting surfaces and near-diffraction-limited FFDPs. One of the end reflectors is made of fused silica with an index of refraction of 1.46 and should provide partial compensation of the velocity aberration. The other end reflector is made of fused glass with an index of refraction of 1.62 and should provide a perfect compensation of the velocity aberration.
SLR full-rate data from MOBLAS 4, MOBLAS 7, and Maidanak seem to confirm the presence of the compensating influence of the Fizeau effect. Resur-1, another Russian satellite launched in 1994, has 2 corner cubes reflectors with near diffraction-limited FFDPs, which were specifically designed for the continuation of this experiment. WESTPAC, a future SLR satellite, will verify indisputably the existence or otherwise of the Fizeau effect.
Instrumentation: Meteor-2-21/Fizeau had the following instrumentation on board:
Scanning telephotometer
Scanning infrared radiometers
Radiation measurement complex
Retroreflector array
ดาวตก 2-21/Fizeau เป็นยี่สิบแรก และสุดท้ายในชุด 2 ดาวตกของดาวเทียมอุตุนิยมวิทยารัสเซีย ซึ่งถูกเปิด 22 ครั้งจากปี 1975 1993 [4]ILRS ภารกิจสนับสนุนสถานะ: ดาวเทียมเลเซอร์ตั้งแต่ (SLR) ติดตามสนับสนุนของดาวเทียมนี้ถูกยกเลิกในเดือน 2541 ตุลาคม สิ่งที่ทำให้ดาวตก 2-21 ที่โดดเด่นจากอื่น ๆ ดาวเทียมอุตุนิยมวิทยาเป็นอาร์เรย์ของ retroreflector เฉพาะ ชื่อ Fizeau หลัง physicist ฝรั่งเศส Armand Fizeau ซึ่งใน 1851 ดำเนินการทดลองการทดสอบสัมประสิทธิ์การพา aether ติดตามดาวเทียมนี้กล้อง SLR ใช้วงโคจรที่ชัดเจนและการทดลอง Fizeau ทดลอง Fizeau ทดสอบทฤษฎีสัมพัทธภาพพิเศษ – ว่า จากเหตุการณ์ที่เกิดในแหล่งเดียวจะไม่พร้อมสำหรับการเป็นนักการเคลื่อนไหวสัมพันธ์กับครั้งแรกRetroReflector Array (RRA) Characteristics: The retro-reflector array consists of three corner cubes in a linear array with the two outer corner cubes pointing at 45 degree angles relative to the central cube. The central cube is made of fused silica and has a two-lobe Far Field Diffraction Pattern (FFDP) providing nearly equal intensities for compensated and uncompensated velocity aberration. Both outer reflectors have aluminum coating on the reflecting surfaces and near-diffraction-limited FFDPs. One of the end reflectors is made of fused silica with an index of refraction of 1.46 and should provide partial compensation of the velocity aberration. The other end reflector is made of fused glass with an index of refraction of 1.62 and should provide a perfect compensation of the velocity aberration.SLR full-rate data from MOBLAS 4, MOBLAS 7, and Maidanak seem to confirm the presence of the compensating influence of the Fizeau effect. Resur-1, another Russian satellite launched in 1994, has 2 corner cubes reflectors with near diffraction-limited FFDPs, which were specifically designed for the continuation of this experiment. WESTPAC, a future SLR satellite, will verify indisputably the existence or otherwise of the Fizeau effect.Instrumentation: Meteor-2-21/Fizeau had the following instrumentation on board:Scanning telephotometerScanning infrared radiometersRadiation measurement complexRetroreflector array
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