This year, accomplish more than you can imagine, Capricorn, simply by sticking to your favorite mode of doing things: with slow steady efforts. It won't involve anything flashy or earth-shaking. Nor will you become a dull robot!
Achievements, small and large, will give you the most satisfaction in 2016, and those things will not be purely about money or prestige.
Let yourself feel deeply about everything and everyone you love. Your year officially starts on December 21, 2015, with a sensuous Taurus Moon, and with Venus in secretive sexy Scorpio.
A lot of this year's love may not be outwardly expressed. Relax but pay attention. Little gestures and hints will be important all year.
Four Mercury retrogrades happen in 2016. The first one is in January and will mostly be in Capricorn. You can competently do just about anything, and get it right the first time.
The fourth Mercury retrograde starts in late December and runs into the beginning of 2017. This is also in Capricorn. You're organized, so it will be OK. Finish the year as marvelously as you started it!