Good night Yuva.
Thank you for your kind cards and prayers. I spent yesterday trying to see how much stamina
I have lost. While it is not significant. I still have to do everything in moderation. The good news
is I do not see this as debilitating as a lot of people would like to make it out. I can still do dishes
after dinner. I still did the laundry as usual. I had Brooke take me to get my prescriptions, which
took three hours all together. I was alert and steady through all of it. Yes, it took me longer to do the
laundry. I moved slower with the clothes basket. I moved slower with the sorting. So I am
managing. As for exercising, I do not intend to start back to that until the doctor clears me
to begin light workouts again. I have experienced no additional pain from my activities. Only the
feeling of getting tired. When that hits, I just go somewhere and sit down for a few minutes. The
nurse who works in the lab where they put in my stint told Brooke I only asked her one question,
"How long before I can start working out again?" Needless to say, they do not get that question asked
very often by someone who gets a stint. So I am going to continue to do better with my diet and
continue to push myself to be able to build my stamina back up. I refuse to give in to this. I still
have a lot of living I want to do!
News wise there isn't much coming out. The curfew is reported as lifted. People who fled Cambodia to
Thailand are said to be fleeing back to Cambodia. There are now reports of civil war getting started
in Thailand. I guess it is really red shirts and yellow shirts being the issue. Red shirts appear to be against
the monarchy, and the yellow shirts appears to be for the monarchy. As I do not have an informed
opinion I won't say who I think is right. But there is certainly a propaganda game going on between the
two sides. I guess my point might be, if you didn't vote, you certainly can not voice an opinion one
way of the other. I certainly hope the coup addresses these issues and brings about fair and legal
elections soon.
Pleasant dreams and sleep well. I am always thinking about you.