were sown per hole on ridges 0.25 m (intra row) and
0.75 m (inter row). Galex (Metalachlor 250 g a.i. and
Metabromuron 250 g a.i.) and Gramoxone (paraquat)
herbicides were mixed and sprayed at 2.5 kg a.i./ha each
on plots immediately after sowing to get rid of weeds.
Three weeks latter, the plants were thinned to tw o
seedlings per stand. Fertilizer NPK (15:15:15) was top
dressed at 250 kg/ha (37.5 kg a.i./ha) after 14 days of
sowing. A tank mixture of 0.30 kg a.i./ha each of
mancozeb (Dithane M 45) and benomyl (Benlate) was
applied every week beginning from the fourth week
after sowing to control fungal diseases of cowpea. The
leaf extracts mixtures and Uppercott (Cypermethrin 250
g a.i. + Dimethoate 250 g a.i./ha at 1.0 l/ha) were
applied between 10.00 am and 12.00 noon with CP 3
knapsack sprayer once every week for four weeks
beginning from flower bud initiation / on set of
flowering. One cowpea row was sprayed at a pass in
each plot and all parts of the plants were copiously
wetted with the extracts