ember when Mike had a sassy grandma who needed round-the-clock care and the whole reason he was so desperate to work at this law firm full o' children was that he wanted so badly to keep her from ending up in the crooked home where the food sucked and the floor probably hadn't been swept since the '80s? I missed that Mike this week, and he wasn't even the most irritating part of an episode that now hold the distinction of being the best episode of the season so far (in my humble opinion) while also being chock-full of misguided WTF-ery, or what I like to call "rich people problems."
Ava Hessington was revealed to be conveniently innocent, so that darker side of Harvey and all of its potential has gone the way of the dodo bird—except for how he was going to defend her even before she turned on the waterworks because, yes, it's his job, but mostly because he needs Darby on his side so he can throw Jessica out of the clubhouse because she bruised his ego and deserves to die.
ember when Mike had a sassy grandma who needed round-the-clock care and the whole reason he was so desperate to work at this law firm full o' children was that he wanted so badly to keep her from ending up in the crooked home where the food sucked and the floor probably hadn't been swept since the '80s? I missed that Mike this week, and he wasn't even the most irritating part of an episode that now hold the distinction of being the best episode of the season so far (in my humble opinion) while also being chock-full of misguided WTF-ery, or what I like to call "rich people problems." Ava Hessington was revealed to be conveniently innocent, so that darker side of Harvey and all of its potential has gone the way of the dodo bird—except for how he was going to defend her even before she turned on the waterworks because, yes, it's his job, but mostly because he needs Darby on his side so he can throw Jessica out of the clubhouse because she bruised his ego and deserves to die.
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