The declining support of STS approach from wider education community is readily apparent. This is because STS approach is not considering the epistemological foundations, students’ moral and ethical developments, and not focusing the emotional aspects of learning science (Zeidler et al., 2005). In respect to the underlying causes that are impeding the overall success of STS, Zeidler et al. (2005) described, although STS principally emphasises the impact on society for the decisions that are derived from science and technology, it actually does not warrant any particular attention to ethical issues involved; and STS does not consider students’ moral or character developments. STSE also does not directly address students’ moral and ethical developments on their personal level. This is because the theoretical framework of STSE lacks a focus on ethics and morals. Instead, it is found that the traditional STSE education only points out ethical dilemmas or controversies. Furthermore, the STSE education showed its inability to fostering reasoned argumentations and considerations about the distinct nature of science; along with emotional and cultural aspects, and epistemological connections within the issues (Zeidler et al., 2005). Thus it is appeared that the STSE is insignificant to its reflection in science curriculum and practices.