Hispanics represent a significant and growing population segment in the United States (56% of all
population growth, and California represents the largest percentage of Hispanics (37%). This research
concentrated on learning more about Hispanics and their sustainable behaviors regarding
transportation, both public and private. By studying Hispanic transportation behaviors, marketers can
understand their future needs, supplying the products/services through effective promotional media
channels. This project allowed researchers to identify behaviors of Hispanics in California regarding
green transportation and the media that influences them. The use and purchase patterns of hybrid
vehicles were analyzed, as well as the use of car pools and public transportation, current gas mileage
(mpg) and media they prefer. It was found that Hispanics drive hybrids slightly less than non-Hispanics.
There is a somewhat higher preference for the next purchased car to be a hybrid for Hispanics than for
non-Hispanics. In addition, fewer Hispanics use public transportation or a car pool than non-Hispanics.
The researchers believe that the conclusions from this exploratory study will help marketers of
transportation services in the public and private sectors. Additional research and discussions on
Hispanics and sustainable transportation are expected and welcome after this pilot study
Hispanics represent a significant and growing population segment in the United States (56% of allpopulation growth, and California represents the largest percentage of Hispanics (37%). This researchconcentrated on learning more about Hispanics and their sustainable behaviors regardingtransportation, both public and private. By studying Hispanic transportation behaviors, marketers canunderstand their future needs, supplying the products/services through effective promotional mediachannels. This project allowed researchers to identify behaviors of Hispanics in California regardinggreen transportation and the media that influences them. The use and purchase patterns of hybridvehicles were analyzed, as well as the use of car pools and public transportation, current gas mileage(mpg) and media they prefer. It was found that Hispanics drive hybrids slightly less than non-Hispanics.There is a somewhat higher preference for the next purchased car to be a hybrid for Hispanics than fornon-Hispanics. In addition, fewer Hispanics use public transportation or a car pool than non-Hispanics.The researchers believe that the conclusions from this exploratory study will help marketers oftransportation services in the public and private sectors. Additional research and discussions onHispanics and sustainable transportation are expected and welcome after this pilot study
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