Nowadays, you will see a lots of business occurred. If we talk a biggest business which is wholesaler in Thailand, everyone will know Makro is the first one. However, in the present have a lot of business so Makro still have the many competitors too. If we talked about the competitors of Makro, the top competitors of Makro are CP, Tesco Lotus, BigC or etc. Each competitors which we told all of them are huge business in Thailand so it is the main competitors for Makro. Then, Makro has to create the new strategy and develop the business all the time for attached the customers. In the past, Makro has everything which you wanted such as Food, Furniture, Office and etc. But now, Makro refocus group to grocery and food. The target market is Horeca is a hotel, restaurant and catering which is a modern trade and other groups still not focused. The way to win is To be the First Choice Supplier of Registed Food Professionals. Then, it make Makro has high growth rate and can survive in the long term.