Mental effort
Be careful how you talk to others today. Your energy level is very high, and you tend to identify your ego very closely with your ideas and opinions, so that you are quick to take offense. You have great capacity for mental effort today, but if any obstacle gets in the way of your energies, you will quickly become angry and irritable. And you are not likely to keep your irritation to yourself. There is considerable danger of arguments and disputes, particularly at home or at work. When you look back at this later, you may realize that there was nothing to argue about except egos; no real issues were at stake. But if you have to fight for your beliefs, today is the day to do it. You are sufficiently strong to carry your point of view
Use your common sense!
Use your common sense! You now have a tendency to do and say things which you might regret later. You have a short fuse and want to defend [..]