The perceived compatibility of safety and production expectations in hazardous occupations
Safety hazards are unavoidable in many work environments. Employees must be both productive and safe, however, conflicting safety and production demands can negatively affect safety, production, or both. The employee's perception of the compatibility of management's safety and production expectations is a possible predictor of such consequences. This paper defines “safety-production compatibility” and describes how measures of safety-production compatibility, as well as safety pressure and production pressure, were developed.
The perceived compatibility of safety and production expectations in hazardous occupationsIntroductionSafety hazards are unavoidable in many work environments. Employees must be both productive and safe, however, conflicting safety and production demands can negatively affect safety, production, or both. The employee's perception of the compatibility of management's safety and production expectations is a possible predictor of such consequences. This paper defines “safety-production compatibility” and describes how measures of safety-production compatibility, as well as safety pressure and production pressure, were developed.Method
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