8.1 Control parameters
• Ingredients with limit values that require monitoring at the workplace:
The product does not contain any relevant quantities of materials with critical values that have to be monitored at the
• Additional information:
The lists valid during the making were used as basis.
• 8.2 Exposure controls
• Personal protective equipment:
• General protective and hygienic measures:
The usual precautionary measures are to be adhered to when handling chemicals.
Do not eat or drink while working.
Be sure to clean skin thoroughly after work and before breaks.
• Respiratory protection: Suitable respiratory protective device recommended.
• Protection of hands: The glove material has to be impermeable and resistant to the product/ the substance/ the
preparation. Due to missing tests no recommendation to the glove material can be given for the product/ the
preparation/ the chemical mixture. Selection of the glove material on consideration of the penetration times,
rates of diffusion and the degradation Impervious gloves
• Material of gloves
The selection of the suitable gloves does not only depend on the material, but also on further marks of quality and
varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. As the product is a preparation of several substances, the resistance of the
glove material can not be calculated in advance and has therefore to be checked prior to the application.
• Penetration time of glove material
The exact break through time has to be found out by the manufacturer of the protective gloves and has to be