Where partners decide by mutual agreement to put an end to a civil covenant of solidarity, they shall file a joint
written declaration with the court office of the tribunal d'instance under the jurisdiction of which one of them at least has
his residence. The clerk shall enter that declaration into a register and shall ensure its preservation.
Where one of the partners decides to put an end to a civil covenant of solidarity, he or she shall serve notice of his
or her decision on the other and shall send a copy of that notice to the court office of the tribunal d'instance which
received the initial instrument.
Where one of the partners puts an end to a civil covenant of solidarity by marrying, he or she shall notify his or her
decision to the other by service and shall send copies of the latter and of his or her record of birth on which mention of
the marriage has been made, to the court office of the tribunal d'instance which received the initial instrument.
Where a civil covenant of solidarity comes to an end by the death of at least one of the partners, the survivor or any
party concerned shall send a copy of the record of death to the court office of the tribunal d'instance which received the
initial instrument.
A clerk who receives a declaration or instruments provided for in the preceding paragraphs shall enter or have
entered mention of the end of the covenant into the margin of the initial instrument. He shall also have registration of that
mention written into the margin of the register provided for in Article 515-3, paragraph 5.
Abroad, receiving, recording and preserving a declaration or instruments referred to in the first four paragraphs shall
be the responsibility of French diplomatic or consular agents, who shall also undertake or have undertaken mentions
provided for in the preceding paragraph.
A civil covenant of solidarity shall come to an end, according to the circumstances:
1° As soon as a mention is made in the margin of the initial instrument of the joint declaration provided for in the first
2° Three months after service delivered under paragraph 2, provided that a copy of it was brought to the knowledge
of the clerk of the court designated in that paragraph;
3° On the date of the marriage or of the death of one of the partners.
Partners shall undertake themselves the liquidation of the rights and obligations resulting on their behalf from the
civil covenant of solidarity. Failing an agreement, the judge shall rule on the patrimonial consequences of the breach,
without prejudice to damage possibly suffered.