Dorge et al
reported the EMG activ-
ity of the kicking-limb iliopsoas, rectus
femoris, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris,
and gluteus maximus in 7 skilled players,
with 3 recorded kicks per subject. This
study did not break the kick down into
phases as part of the analysis or discus-
sion and the EMG results are reported as
average activity for “the period where the
angular velocity of the thigh was positiveuntil impact,” which we believe roughly
corresponds to our acceleration phase. In
this phase, they reported mean kicking-
limb iliopsoas activity of 79.4%, which is
less than our data of 131%, and a mean
vastus lateralis activity of 81.7%, which
is consistent with our data of 87%. The
mean kicking leg biceps femoris activity
during this period was reported as 22.6%
and a peak of 40.1%, which is comparable
to our value of 33% for the hamstrings.