Trade logistics is by its very nature an international issue. It involves goods and
services crossing borders, sometimes repeatedly. It is closely linked to other important
issues on the trade and development agendas, such as the growth of regional and
global value chains. As such, many aspects of the effort to improve logistics
performance require a collaborative mindset. The key issue policy makers confront
today is how best to leverage international cooperation in areas such as physical
infrastructure development, regulation, project finance, and private sector development
so as to promote more efficient logistics processes and enhanced supply chain
efficiency. Developing strategies based around this question will help policy makers
develop an environment that is supportive of the continued development of private
sector logistics activities, not just as an end in itself, but as a way of ensuring flow-on
benefits to manufacturers and consumers. As the grease in the wheels of international
trade, the logistics sector has major potential to act as a lever for growth and inclusive
development over the medium- to long term.