Crude rice bran oil (150 g) was taken in a 250 ml
beaker that was ®tted with a laboratory model stirrer,
driven by a variable speed motor. The beaker along with
the contents was placed in a water bath maintained at
the desired temperature. Degumming was carried out at
dierent temperatures (26±90°C), with the required
quantity of distilled water (0.5±4.0%) added to the oil,
having set the time (10±180 min) for extraction of the
gums, while the speed of agitation was varied from 30 to
400 rpm, as selected by the design of experiments (Table
1). All the experiments were conducted in duplicates.
After degumming, the mixture was cooled/heated to
55°C followed by centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 15 min.
The degummed oil was removed by decantation and the
wet gums were then dried
Crude rice bran oil (150 g) was taken in a 250 mlbeaker that was ®tted with a laboratory model stirrer,driven by a variable speed motor. The beaker along withthe contents was placed in a water bath maintained atthe desired temperature. Degumming was carried out atdierent temperatures (26±90°C), with the requiredquantity of distilled water (0.5±4.0%) added to the oil,having set the time (10±180 min) for extraction of thegums, while the speed of agitation was varied from 30 to400 rpm, as selected by the design of experiments (Table1). All the experiments were conducted in duplicates.After degumming, the mixture was cooled/heated to55°C followed by centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 15 min.The degummed oil was removed by decantation and thewet gums were then dried
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