There were no significant interactions between TIU
and particle size of the ESBM on live performance in
these young broilers. Coarse ESBM generally increased
BW and feed intake regardless of the trypsin inhibitor
level (Figures 2 and 3) with no differences in FCR
(Figure 4). Overall, there was a decrease in feed intake
when the TIU were greater than 18.9 TIU/mg (Table
4). Hathcock and Rader (1994) and Shahidi (1997) reported
that high levels of naturally occurring protease
inhibitors present in feed ingredients reduced feed
intake. Chicks fed coarse ESBM had a greater overall
feed intake (P < 0.05) than chicks fed fine ESBM,
which resulted in higher BW (P < 0.01) at 14 d of age.
Although the chicks that consumed the coarse ESBM
had a higher feed intake and therefore higher intake
of trypsin inhibitors, no differences were observed in