9. Conclusions
As more and more people face chronic illness
or frailty, a place within the health care system to
address the needs of individuals and families
becomes even more critical to sustaining their
optimum health and psychological well being.
Family support programs help consumers make
informed choices regarding when and where to
get help, enable them to take responsible care of
themselves, enhance knowledge of how to stay
well, bolster informal support systems, and provide
essential support for maintaining a positive
There is substantial evidence that the Family
Support Model will reduce the costs of medical
care by enhancing the effective use of medical
services and reducing visits for minor illnesses.
With the current changes in healthcare the value
of a family support program has taken on new
meaning. As the system continues to evolve in
the effort to improve its efficiency and effectiveness,
the Family Support Center will continue to
meet the changing healthcare needs of the elderly
and of individuals with chronic illness. Helping
families help themselves now fits even better.
9. ConclusionsAs more and more people face chronic illnessor frailty, a place within the health care system toaddress the needs of individuals and familiesbecomes even more critical to sustaining theiroptimum health and psychological well being.Family support programs help consumers makeinformed choices regarding when and where toget help, enable them to take responsible care ofthemselves, enhance knowledge of how to staywell, bolster informal support systems, and provideessential support for maintaining a positiveattitude.There is substantial evidence that the FamilySupport Model will reduce the costs of medicalcare by enhancing the effective use of medicalservices and reducing visits for minor illnesses.With the current changes in healthcare the valueof a family support program has taken on newmeaning. As the system continues to evolve inthe effort to improve its efficiency and effectiveness,the Family Support Center will continue tomeet the changing healthcare needs of the elderlyand of individuals with chronic illness. Helpingfamilies help themselves now fits even better.
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