Phantomassasin (on the right middle corner, creeps go clockwise first wave). First row.
3 more phantom assasins. So you have 2 on each side in the middle. Plan ahead so you build on the spot where the next wave of creep will go. They go clockwise/counterclockwise.
Don't upgrade them.
Get 4 venomancers on the 3rd and 4th spot, second row, in the middle. Don't upgrade them. Start spinning 10s while you get them.
Depending on luck from spins, get a sven and give all items to him. Corner spot middle. You can get him at 90 gold as you sell a phantom assassin. Should get him before 10. If you can't before lvl10, wait and save.
Get a Luna. Sell the upgraded sven when you have 235 gold. Give Luna all items. If you are lucky or things are going so well that you can get a Luna before lvl 14 without selling sven, build Luna at other middle corner instead of phantom assassin.
Upgrade Luna.
Keep spinning.
Get two withdoctors, second row, 1 spot, each side of middle.
Save for a emberspirit.
Sell sven and get an emberspirit. Upgrade him when you can.
Start spinning 50s.
Items: Luna (attackspeed, around 0.6 is good enough). Ember: battlefury, crits, culling blade. If you cant fill them up with this, give ember stuns and slows, same for luna.
Get zeus. A lot of them. When you have 10. Get whatever.
Edit: forgot crystal maiden. Get 2 of these between ember and luna (or after ember if things go as well as they should). Get them on the fourth spot from the middle, first row, on either side. Late late game (after 10 zeus), get snipers, witchdoctors and crystalmaiden. Spread it out so you clump around middle, and thin the waves on either side.
Edit2: Items are more important than you towers (almost). A luna with 0.6 attack speed is sooo much better than 4 lunas without items. An ember spirit without battlefury (at least 1) is useless. Don't get ember if you don't have battlefury. Get a dragonknight instead (IF you have an abundance of attackspeed items). If you have such an abundance, you can get more luna's (2/3 max), so that you have 2 luna and 2 dragonknights. But without those attackspeed items, its no point getting more than one. But an ember with crit+2xbf wrecks havoc. Spread your items around. Attackspped had diminishing returns. Better to spread them around for max effect. +dmg is better on dragon knight as other items is usually reserved by luna and ember. If you have a lot of stuns (basher and abyssal), get some snipers and give one to each. They will start stunning, especially good on bosses.