Regarding the reasons (why) and places (where) of PCS management strategies were used in this study, most of subjects reported that they were routine activities such as Dzikir and praying because these practices were done based on Muslim people’s beliefs and religion. Religious and spiritual therapies have been proven to have a positive impact on physical and mental well-being (Hook et al., 2010). Some subjects usually talked and shared their feelings with family or others about their symptoms to reduce their symptoms. This reflects the social norms of helping each other that is well established in Indonesia (Higgins & Higgins as cited in Goodwin & Giles, 2003). In addition, the low-cost and quickness of performing some PCS strategies (e.g., buy medicine drugs at grocery/pharmacy shop) possibly were another reason for some subjects who had low-middle family incomes and/or lack of time to visit health care providers due to working /studying hours. Moreover, the place that most of subjects commonly performed PCS management strategies was at home because they were easy to do, such as to lay down, get enough sleep, or talk with family.