4.2. Common method bias
As with all self-reported data, there is a potential
for common method bias (CMB) resulting from multiple
sources such as consistency motif and social desirability
(Podsakoff et al., 2003; Podsakoff and Organ, 1986). Several
actions were taken to address the potential threat
of CMB. First, a Harmon one-factor test (Podsakoff and
Organ, 1986) was conducted on the three variables in the
theoretical model including MC, OC, INN and PERF. The
results from this test showed that four factors are present
and the most covariance explained by one factor was
approximately 28%, indicating that CMB is not a likely contaminant
of the results. Second, following Podsakoff et al. (2003) and Williams et al. (2003), a common method factor
was included in the PLS model. The indicators of all
constructs were associated reflectively with the method
factor. Next, each indicator variance explained by the principle
construct and by the method factor was computed.3
As shown in Appendix B (Table B1),