Just as a heads up, we’ve just processed a refund for your order #98684. This could be for a number of reasons:
We might have just received a return from you
You might have had a chat with one of our delightful customer service dudes who arranged to give you a refund as a little token of our affection
One or more items from your order might have been out of stock – from time to time we run into stock issues and are unable to fulfil orders, which makes us very sad. This happens most commonly during sales or other busy periods.
If you paid by PayPal your refund will be instant, in very rare cases these can take up to 5 working days. If you paid by Credit Card your refund will take 3-5 working days depending on your bank. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us on hi@abandonshipapparel.com.
Thanks from the Abandon Ship customer service team,