(2) Soundness of asset management
(a) Relationship with any asset management company and its parent company, etc.;
(b) System to restrict transactions involving a conflict of interest with an asset management company, its parent company, etc. and other stakeholders;
(c) Procedures for the sale and purchase, etc. of specified asset prescribed in the of Article 2, Item 1 of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations;
(d) The necessity of transactions with stakeholders and the appropriateness of terms and conditions of the transactions.
(3) Corporate governance and internal administration systems
(a) Fulfillment of responsibilities by the executive officers of investment corporations, representative directors, directors, and the board of directors of asset management companies (or fulfillment of responsibilities by the representative executive officers and executive officers in the case of a company with committees);
(b) Fulfillment of responsibilities by the audit officers of investment corporations and the auditor and board of company auditors of asset management companies and internal audit functions (fulfillment of responsibilities by the board of directors, nomination committee, compensation committee, and board of company auditors, and internal audit functions in the case of a company with committees);
(c) Operation of Internal administration systems of asset management companies (development of organization and internal rules for investment management policies, investment management systems, and measures to avoid conflicts of interest).
(4) Consistency of properties to be incorporated into a portfolio with an investment policy
(a) Investment policy;
(b)Details on properties to be incorporated into a portfolio (compliance with the related laws and regulations, contracts for properties, and engineering reports (investigation reports on the condition of buildings and the risks, etc. ; the same shall apply hereinafter));
(c) Acquisition price and the background to the acquisition.
(5) Profit forecasts for investment corporations and properties
(a) Financial condition and business performance;
(b)Validity of the basis for preparing a profit plan;
(c) Growth potential and stability.
(6) Proper disclosure
(a) Adaptability to the statutory disclosure and timely disclosure systems by investment corporations and asset management companies;
(b)Appropriateness of disclosed contents such as the status of funds, property information, and investment risk, completeness of the scope of disclosure, and adequacy of the representation of the disclosure;
(c) Proper disclosure of the purpose of the use of the funds to be raised.
(Details of Underwriting Examination Items for Public Offering by Listed Issuer)