Conclusion and Policy Recommendations
ASEAN is currently active in deepening not only its own internal economic
integration processes, but is also in the process of enhancing its economic
engagement with the global economy. As of today, the grouping has formed five
FTAs with six of its SEPs. The number of FTAs forged by the AMS, however, is
much higher than those pursued by ASEAN(over 80 FTAs as of 2013). Despite the
proliferation of the bilateral and regional FTAs, the evidence suggests that the fruits
of such initiatives have not been distributed evenly across the region, with the
majority of firms capable of using these FTAs being large and multinational firms
(including both ASEAN and non-ASEAN firms). In order to enhance the utilization
of of ASEAN-led FTAs among MSMEs, and ensure more equal opportunities among
economic actors across the region, the ASEAN-BAC and the IISD propose the
following policy recommendations:
Conclusion and Policy RecommendationsASEAN is currently active in deepening not only its own internal economicintegration processes, but is also in the process of enhancing its economicengagement with the global economy. As of today, the grouping has formed fiveFTAs with six of its SEPs. The number of FTAs forged by the AMS, however, ismuch higher than those pursued by ASEAN(over 80 FTAs as of 2013). Despite theproliferation of the bilateral and regional FTAs, the evidence suggests that the fruitsof such initiatives have not been distributed evenly across the region, with themajority of firms capable of using these FTAs being large and multinational firms(including both ASEAN and non-ASEAN firms). In order to enhance the utilizationof of ASEAN-led FTAs among MSMEs, and ensure more equal opportunities amongeconomic actors across the region, the ASEAN-BAC and the IISD propose thefollowing policy recommendations:
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