Management principles which have stood the test emphasize the importance of good communication. Louis A. Allen's Principle of Communication is an example
- Motivation to accomplish results tend to increase as people are informed about matters affecting those results
When people understand clearly the results they are trying to accomplish and how they contribute to those results, motivation increases. In addition, a supervisor who makes a sincere effort to keep people informed is telling them. "I think you are important... I want to be sure you know what's going on....
Alexander Cohen's review of researeh on successful safety programa identified seven significant factors. One of them is "Close contact and interaction between workers, supervisors, and management, enabling open communications on safety as well as other job-related matters. A significant part of this communication can occur in well-managed group meetings. +To be most efficient and effective, these meetings must be conducted well. Supervisors must know how to talk to groups: how to make group presentations; how to communicate (give and get understanding) with the whole team.
=Three more of the proven principles of professional management relate directly to communication
>Principle of Line Loss The effectiveness of a communication tends to vary inversely with its extension.
The more people involved in the line of communication, the greater the probability of distortion, delay and loss of meaning.