Professional knowledge and experience as a source of references
The midwives’ knowledge and experience were important in their professional practice. They knew how to deal with situations, when to ask for help and who to turn to. They were open, flexible and listened in the encounter with colleagues, other health team members and patients
The other team members had trust and confidence in them. ‟If you are secure, your team members can sense that you are a resource they can consult. I have so many years of experience. You can talk about various cases and such like…” (no. 2). They had the ability to between
the normal and the complicated and adapt the care accordingly. ‟… but when we have (knowledge about) risk factors it is easier to distinguish the normal, if you are aware of the risks involved.” (no. 5). Having experience is to be able to remain calm in critical situations and make use of their knowledge without it being obstructed by fear. ‟It’s extremely important that I feel sufficiently secure to avoid getting into a panic in a really precarious situation. It’s as if one switches over to autopilot in such circumstances, even if your pulse is racing at 200 and your hands are shaking.” (no. 3). When caring for patients, the midwives created security and assumed responsibility for the baby and its delivery. ‟I’m the captain of a jet. They can relax and concentrate on the birth and not worry unnecessarily.” (no. 3).