Child abandonment laws var y from state to state. Many states include child abandonment within its child abuse laws and
vice versa, while some states have laws specifically targeting the act of child abandonment.
Most states classify child abandonment as a felony, which may include situations where a parent or guardian physically
abandons a child in any place with the intent of relinquishing all rights and responsibilities to the child.
Other states classify child abandonment as a misdemeanor (with lesser penalties), including situations that involve nonphysical
acts of abandonment.
In general, child abandonment occurs when:
• Aparent, guardian, or other person having physical custody or control of a child
• Without regard for the mental or physical health, safety, or welfare of the child
• Knowing leaves a child (typically under the age of 13) without supervision by a responsible person (typically over the
age of 14), or
• Fails