The egg and nauplii production parameters of a single stock of domesticated Penaeus monodon was evaluated in
four discrete generations. In generations 1, 2, and 5 (G1, G2, G5) the stock was maintained under similar husbandry
and dietary conditions within controlled temperature tank systems from two to 11 months of age. In
generation 8 (G8), the stock was reared in low-density ponds from two to five months of age and then transferred
to tank systems for rearing through to 11 months of age as per the earlier generations. At 11 months of
age, females were unilaterally eye-stalk ablated and their reproductive performance evaluated. Reproductive
performance was evaluated for first spawnings obtained within 20 days post-ablation and measures included:
the number of eggs and nauplii per spawning and per gram of female weight per spawning; percentage of
spawnings hatching, and; percentage of nauplii hatched. Numbers of eggs (000s) per spawning significantly increased
over successive generations (mean ± standard error) from 121 ± 15 in G1 through to 380 ± 56 by G8.
Numbers of nauplii (000s) per spawning significantly increased beyond G2, increasing from 18 ± 5 in G2
through to 161 ± 23 by G5. These results demonstrate improvements in egg and nauplii production of the
domesticated P. monodon stocks over successive generations.
The egg and nauplii production parameters of a single stock of domesticated Penaeus monodon was evaluated infour discrete generations. In generations 1, 2, and 5 (G1, G2, G5) the stock was maintained under similar husbandryand dietary conditions within controlled temperature tank systems from two to 11 months of age. Ingeneration 8 (G8), the stock was reared in low-density ponds from two to five months of age and then transferredto tank systems for rearing through to 11 months of age as per the earlier generations. At 11 months ofage, females were unilaterally eye-stalk ablated and their reproductive performance evaluated. Reproductiveperformance was evaluated for first spawnings obtained within 20 days post-ablation and measures included:the number of eggs and nauplii per spawning and per gram of female weight per spawning; percentage ofspawnings hatching, and; percentage of nauplii hatched. Numbers of eggs (000s) per spawning significantly increasedover successive generations (mean ± standard error) from 121 ± 15 in G1 through to 380 ± 56 by G8.Numbers of nauplii (000s) per spawning significantly increased beyond G2, increasing from 18 ± 5 in G2through to 161 ± 23 by G5. These results demonstrate improvements in egg and nauplii production of thedomesticated P. monodon stocks over successive generations.
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