Good night Yuva.
Well I guess I found out what can happen to you if you stay up until 1:00 AM and then get
up at 5:30 AM the next day for two days in a row! You fall asleep in your lounge chair and
do not wake up again until it is time to go to bed! So I would have to say my weekend was
mostly time with Meaw, Craig, Dale, May, Ernesto and Flor. Or at least the evenings. Getting
homke at 1:00 in the morning is not probably the most intelligent thing I have done. Or at
least not two nights in a row! :-)
Brooke is slowly getting better. Her voice has come back finally. Her flu symptoms seem to be
gone. However, when Brooke gets sick, she tends to come down with multiple symptoms. All
she left dealing with now is a really bad cough. Now that she is recovering from the flu symptoms,
I will make her go to the doctor if her cough does not stop soon. Her body does a really good job
fighting off most viruses except for pneumonia. Once you catch pneumonia, you never really get
cured. You just kind of manage to control it. So every time Brooke catches a cold or the flu, it
takes her longer to get over it than normal. The cold and flu give her pneumonia the energy it
needs to come back and then she has to spend time fighting it all over again. So I get to listen to
her coughing for another week. If it doesn't clear up, there is something else going on and she will
have to see a doctor to get it addressed.
Thai authorities are banning beach parties in Thailand. Mostly as a way of protecting tourists who
are not as aware of the surroundings and lets bee honest, not all tourists are well behaved
representatives of their home nation. So I understand the crack down, especially given the two
murders a couple of months ago. Although I am not so sure it was a beach party that got them into
Pleasant dreams and sleep well. I think about you always.
Hugs & Kisses